Hey Copywriter ... How are Your Photoshop Skills?

I've noticed an increase in the number of job posting and freelance gigs that call for a copywriter to also do some level of image creation or design work. I've been asked more than once, "How are your Photoshop skills?" Me? Photoshop? via GIPHY I know sites like Canva and PicMonkey make the process of creating images a lot easier, but I still have a few issues with this trend. #1 It seems to be a one-way street. I haven't run across a lot of designers being asked to write copy. And you know why? Because designers are notoriously bad at writing copy. No offense, designers. You guys are amazing at what you do. I have nothing but respect for your skills, because Lord knows I don't have them. But I've yet to meet a great designer who was also a decent copywriter. So why are writers suddenly being asked to pull double duty? My suspicion is that people value copywriters a little less than designers. Why? Because we're all taught how to write...